Thursday, September 18, 2008


Machination: crafty schemes; plots; intrigues
Machinate: to contrive or plot esp. artfully or with evil purpose. To machinate the overthrow of the government

"We have been placed on earth in troubled times. We live in a complex world with
currents of conflict everywhere to be found. Political machinations ruin the
stability of nations, despots grasp for power, and segments of society seem
forever downtrodden, deprived of opportunity, and left with a feeling of
failure." - President Thomas S. Monson, April 2008 General Conference
This was in President Monson's "Examples of Righteousness" talk given at the Priesthood session this spring. I didn't know what "machinations" meant, so I looked it up. In my attempt to Awaken, I am trying to look a little deeper into the calm, comforting words that come from the familiar voices of the leaders we have loved for so long. I'm trying to have ears to hear. I'm trying to dig a little deeper.

I always tend to say "Yeah. Troubled times. Hitler and Hussein were wicked power hungry leaders. That war in Iraq is awful. I'm glad i don't have to live like that. Those poor starving people in Africa. I'm so glad I live in the promised land and we'll always be blessed as long as we're righteous." It always seems to feel so far away. The war is always somewhere else. The bad things happen in someone else's neighborhood. I'm pretty happy and well taken care of and safe here in my home.

The Prophet Joseph Smith said "The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. "(Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 15, July 4, 1854)

Elder Orson Hyde of the Council of the Twelve, President John Taylor, Orson Pratt, President J. Reuben Clarke, President David O. McKay, and George Q. Cannon have all referred to this prophecy.

So we know through latter-day prophecy that our dear beloved United States of America will face a near collapse. It won't always be so far away. Something of this magnitude doesn't happen all in one day. It has to start somewhere. We know we live in the latter days. Has it started already? Do we see things happening in our world and in our country that could contribute to this ill fate?

Although initially, President Monson's description of current events seem to refer to world events. But is it possible he could be talking about our own country?

"...Currents of Conflict everywhere to be found." Do we not have conflict everywhere? Especially regarding moral values and our constitutional rights? We have conflict about gun rights, same-sex marriage, school vouchers, abortion, the War in Iraq, Global Warming, violence in schools...

"Political machinations ruin the stability of nations." I know our nation seems to be pretty unstable right now. Our economy is suffering, food and gas prices are on the rise, our soldiers are spread thin throughout the world, our congress can't agree on anything, foreign countries are taking advantage of our poor housing market buying up land an properties for pennies on the dollar...oh, and our dollar - it is weakening all the time. I would say our nation right now might be able to be classified as unstable. Could it be possible that we might have "political machinations" here in our own country? If so, that would cover his next phrase "despots grasp for power."

"Segments of society seem forever downtrodden, deprived of opportunity, and left with a feeling of failure." Does this not describe our "ghettos"? It seems we have areas in our largest cities filled with uneducated minorities that feel this way. You can hear in the news about crimes committed against race, religion, or lifestyle. We have a huge welfare system to help people get back on their feet, but many never quite get there. We have scholarships and charities to help this group of people, but this group still exists and the need still exists. And what about the growing rate of depression in adults and children? That touches just about every community there is.

We know we live in the Latter-days. Our prophets have told us what will happen and what to expect. I fear that we as a people are so comfortable and used to our way of life that we feel it won't happen in our lifetime. But what if it does? None knows when these prophecies will come to pass. What if they are already coming to pass and we aren't paying attention?

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matthew 24:42, 44

1 comment:

Finian said...

Personally I think President Benson was referring to the CIA when he mentioned political machinations. Google Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio as well as Drugs and the CIA. Then refer to Erzra Taft Benson’s book “An Enemy Hath Done this.” Indeed, the biggest enemy is from within. Cheers.